
A 9 week Journal Project

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Starting 1st January 2021



In a year when most of us have experienced quite extreme degrees of isolation and separation…..my own thoughts and feelings about Connection have been changing.


What does Connection mean to you ?

How does it affect and influence how you Live Love and Create ?



These are the thoughts and ideas that I’ll be focusing on during this years journal project.  Hopefully providing us with an opportunity for reflection through the  creative process.  The quotes and prompts will reflect my thoughts about what connection means, how we do it, how it informs how we live and how it informs our creativity.




  • Starting on 1st January  2021, you’ll receive an email from me ONCE A WEEK for 9 weeks (that takes us to the end of February )

  • In each email I’ll send you a quotation and some thoughts and or prompts which aim to  kick start your Journaling for that week

  • Start Journaling !

  • Stay Connected !!  Join my free Private Facebook Group  (Journal Project ‘Connection’) where you can share and find out what others are doing with the project



As human beings, we’re not designed function in a vacuum….. as Brene Brown says ” we are wired for connection !”  That Connection informs, inspires and influences who we are as individuals, those experiences are the things that help shape the lens through which we see the world around us.

The format of this years project is different to previous years.  I hope that being once a week, rather than daily, this will allow you a more relaxed approach to exploring each offering. There is NO pressure to ‘keep up’ , work at your own pace.


Each week (Mondays) you’ll receive an email from me with a quote and a few of my suggestions as ‘writing prompts’

It goes without saying that how you choose to respond to these is totally up to you.  Write, draw, paint, sketch, collage, whatever suits you.

It will then be my aim to share more material throughout the week to support you in your process.  This content will develop over the course of the project. I might  share ‘links’ to video clips/ talks etc which I’ve personally found inspirational. These will pop up in one of a few places, the website, Facebook or the emails !  On Thursday each week, there will be new content on my website or Facebook.


Here you can watch the process as I worked on altering a sketchbook page to use for this Journal Project …..




What happens if we if stop focusing  on productivity & outcome but instead engage fully with the Process.  With our own Process, with the Joy that comes from allowing ourselves to let go of the pressure to produce something.

Explore the ART of discovering / uncovering and stating Connected to the ‘juicy’ stuff that makes us Happy


[mailchimp_signup title=”Sign up to Connection, a 9 week Journal Project” subtitle=”Create your own journal reflecting your thoughts & ideas on the theme of CONNECTION using words, colours, images (anything goes!). Starting on 1st January 2021″]