
I love love love a good quote !!

Here I’m  sharing some of the quotes that have struck a chord or inspired me in some way.

Quotes… inspire, they motivate, they stimulate, they can be timeless and find new ways to challenge us & our thinking. They can sometimes manage to distil complicated concepts and ideas, they can drill down to the core of a concept, an idea, or value.  This, for me, means they can make great jumping off places for journaling.

I used many quotes in the three free Journaling projects which I have run in the past.  If you missed any of these, you’ll find a free PDF version of each of the Journal projects in the Free Stuff section of my web site.

Up until the end of 2023 I added a new quote here every week.  Occasionally, in place of a quote I shared an image instead . As Carl Jung said….”The soul speaks in image”.

Since then I’ve taken something of a break from adding new content on here but now (May 2024) seemed a good time to re-start. Don’t ask me why now, but we are not all hard wired to make new beginnings, to start new projects at the beginning of the year on January 1st. Maybe you can relate to that ?

I’ve decided I’m going to share one new quote every month, at the beginning of the month. I went through my index card library of quotes and instinctively pulled out the ones that ‘spoke’ to me in the moment. As I reached the end of my library, I counted how many I’d pulled out….12 as it turns out !  Perfect. I’ll share one each month in the order I pulled them out, so quite ‘random’.

I hope you enjoy reading them and perhaps you might feel inspired to use each one as a starting point to work in your own journal.
