Jill Bolejack

I first met Jill while taking part in my Creative Journaling facilitator training with Lisa Sonora.  I say ‘met’, but this was an online course and Jill lives in Minnesota USA so in fact we have never met in person, or at least not yet !

I’m not sure how this is possible but although Jill and I were just 2 of several participants and although we shared little direct interaction with each other during the course of several online group meetings, I was certainly aware of a ‘connection’ with her.

It would actually be a couple of years though until that connection took hold and found a way to flourish, but it most certainly did and still does and  we now both have our weekly catch ups hardwired into our schedule.

Together we explore the ways in which we are each finding ways to share the joyful process of creative journaling, writing and navigating the mystery of discovering our true purpose.  Our perennial question to each other….

What do you really, really, really want ?

While there are ways in which we are similar and occasions when our journeys take us on similar paths, we also know that that are ways in which we differ and when our paths take us indifferent directions.  For me, this makes for rich ground for my ideas.

Jill currently hosts two groups online

  • Creative Journaling for health
  • Entrepreneurs group

I asked Jill to write a little about herself…

Zoom, Zoom, Zoom

Sharon and I share a passion for the Creative Journaling process.  We met through mutual mentor, Lisa Sonora, Creative Journey Studio and author of The Creative Entrepreneur.

My programs focus on using the Creative Journaling process as it applies to Business, Health and Travel.  I’m a Planner by nature and a Business Coach by trade!  I love helping people explore and achieve their goals using a variety of tools.  What do you really, really want?

Creative Journaling for Health is a group that meets weekly on Zoom and they are provided daily prompts by email.  Each participant has a health goal they are working towards.  This month’s theme is “Mindfulness”.

For Entrepreneurs, monthly 3-hour work sessions, also on Zoom, allow time and space to accomplish a business task.  We use Lisa’s book as one of the tools!

I live in the USA and thoroughly enjoy spending Zoom time with Sharon on a regular basis!  Her handmade journals and ephemera packets make my heart happy; such delightful, beautiful gifts!

As much as Zoom has kept us all connected, I look forward to offering (and attending!) live workshops and travel retreats again soon!  Where do you want to go?

Jill Bolejack, MBA

You can connect with Jill …



Facebook group…

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