Write Your Own Story

image from my journal


November 2023

November’s quotes have all been on the theme of Stories

Stories we tell ourselves owning and re-writing our story

Of being the author of our own lives

Below…you’ll find all of the quotes from November along with a couple of


journaling prompts




to get you thinking and your Journaling Juices flowing…

Maybe just pick one!

One quote


One idea


One question

 The one that speaks to you the loudest &  work with it in your own Journal 


Write, paint, draw, sketch collage, do it whatever way feels right for you. It doesn’t need to make any sense at all to anyone, even you !

Try to avoid overthinking it or trying to make it beautiful or profound. Simply get what’s in your head down on the page.


I hope you enjoy…



Week 1

When we become aware that we are telling ourselves stories, we begin to have a choice about what stories we are telling and that is the beginning of authoring our own existence

Dawna Markova
I will not die an unlived life p.125



Our Journal is a place where we get to pay attention and listen deeply to the stories we tell ourselves



  • The story I am telling myself…

Bonus Quote…

Which story will I tell myself? One that leads me into a familiar rut, or one that carries me to a new possibility?

Dawna Markova p.118


If you are at all curious about the questions of living life to its fullest with meaning and purpose I can’t recommend Dawna Markova’s book,

highly enough. I return to it again and again.

I will not die an unlived life; Reclaiming purpose and passion 


Week 2

It is in a journal that many writers for the first time take the risk of writing honestly

Pat Schneider
Writing Alone and Together p. 68




  • Is your journal the place where you get to write honestly?

  • Are you still contemplating starting a journal?

  • What are the stories you tell yourself that are stopping you?


Week 3

To write is above all else to construct a self.

Journal entries and life histories as well as fictions and poems and plays are variations on the most fundamental human need to know oneself deeply and in relation to the world

Deena Metzger
Writing Alone Together (2014) p.4


A journal is a great place for us to work out who we are and our place in the world


Week 4

When we deny our stories they define us.

When we own our stories we get to write the ending

Brene Brown


Sometimes it takes a quote like this to shake us awake. The message in this quote from Brene Brown is something of a liberation for me.

All we need do is make conscious the internal dialogue, the stories that we continually tell ourselves about ourselves and then we get to accept them or change them. We get to write our own story and we get to write the ending. We get to be the author of our own lives. How amazing is that !

We have to start somewhere and that somewhere could be in the pages of a journal. A journal of any kind. Will you be starting a new journaling journey in 2024 ?


Journal Prompt….

  • The stories that I tell myself are

  • The stories that define me are…



And now for a quick flip through my mini journal for November…





Are you a member of our Facebook Group   ?

In the group,  I share our weekly  quote and usually, to accompany it, I share some of my thoughts, ideas, suggestions.  Not all of those make it to here on the website. So, why not join the group to make sure you don’t miss anything



Thanks for reading

Sharon X

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You might want to comment on one particular quote that I’ve used this month or share a particular response to this months theme.


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