New content for 2024

I’m planning some changes for 2024 and I can’t make it work without you!

You and your creative life are at the heart of what I’ll be sharing next year.



Here’s my vision for how I think it will work…

I’m inviting people to write something about their creative work (ideas, dreams, aspirations, intentions) which I can share on my website.


Whatever form your creativity takes and whoever you are, the more diversity the better, lets tell people about it!


Maybe you bake, sew, paint, or draw. Perhaps its photography, pottery or bookbinding. Maybe you write poetry, fiction or non-fiction. Maybe you’re yet to start but have lots of ideas of all the creative things you want to do.  I want to hear about it and I want to share it. Maybe you sell your work, maybe you don’t, maybe you’d like to one day.


I already know so many people who are working away on their creativity, I’m sure there must be lots more !


I usually share something once a month so I’ve got 12 slots to fill for 2024.  However, if I receive  more than 12 submissions (which I hope I do), then I can share more frequently.


If you’re at all interested in taking part, then please message me or email me (my contact details can be found below) and I’ll send you all the information you need to know.


if you’re curious at all

Don’t hesitate !

Message me today






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