Create a Revolution in your Heart

A Quote…

Your own reasons to make are reason enough

Create whatever causes a revolution in your Heart   

Liz Gilbert

This journal prompt is inspired by the quote for this week by Liz Gilbert


I guess what this quote  makes me think about is, how do we go about giving ourselves permission to do more of the things we love to do, the things that make us smile, laugh, relax, the things that make us forget time, we forget to eat and indeed sometimes forget ourselves because we are so engaged with the process of what we’re doing.  How do we begin to do more of that stuff ?  How do we lay aside the demands of others, the expectations real or imagined of our families or peers, the pressure to be productive or to make money?  How do we even remember, what those things are that make us come alive, that feed our soul and give us purpose and meaning?



why not take several days (take as long as you like) to work in your journal with these ideas…

  • Start a new page
  • read the quote to yourself
  • then read it out loud
  • then write it down, maybe write it down several times
  • take time over the next few days to notice, pay attention to what truly ’causes a revolution in your heart’
  • ask yourself questions. not necessarily to answer them but to challenge your thinking…
  • what does ’cause a revolution in my heart’ mean to you ?
  • if you experience a revolution in your heart, how does that show up in your body ?
  • what words would you use to describe it ?
  • how does the opinion of others influence the choices or decisions you make ?
  • if you no longer had to earn money what would you continue to do/start to do/do more of ?

As you gather all this information about yourself over the next few days, find ways of adding it into your journal using words, colour, images


  • these are only suggestions
  • have fun, play, enjoy
  • focus on the process rather than the outcome
  • we’re all making this up as we go along !


Consider sharing your thoughts on this Journaling Prompt on our Face Book Group 

See you next time x




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