
image: from this months mini journal




July 2023

I decided to have a bit of a change for the month of July

Instead of using the usual quotes as Journaling Prompts I decided to use Images instead

Below…you’ll find all of the images I shared in our Facebook Group throughout July along with a little information about each image and some thoughts/ideas about using images as Journaling Prompts

There are also some suggestions and questions to get you thinking about


I hope something here will get you thinking & your journaling juices flowing…


Who hasn’t heard of this quote…?


A picture is worth a thousand words

Henrik Ibsen



  • What is it like to use images as Journaling Prompts ?
  • What do you like about it ?
  • What do you like less about it ?



  • All ‘questions’, suggestions’, are simply offered as what I like to call ‘jumping off places’ to get you thinking and writing in your Jouranl
  • What you write, draw, collage etc is always totally up to you
  • See where it takes you
  • Nothing needs to ‘make sense’ to yourself or anyone else


Week 1

The Mekong the Monk & the Motorbike


I took this photograph in January 2020 while on a trip through Vietnam and Cambodia.

  Whilst on a trip along the Mekong River we stopped off to visit a Buddhist Monastery  in Kampong Siem,  Hanchey.

  I was struck by the incongruity of the image of the young monk leaning so casually on this motorbike.  A feeling that was echoed through the whole village where the grandeur of the monastery buildings lived along side what appeared to me to be great simplicity & poverty




  • What (if anything) does  this 1st image evoke in you



  • Simply write a list of words, in response to each image, as they come to you


Week 2

The Telegraph Pole


I took this photo on my most recent trip to Kefalonia, Greece, a lovely small island I’ve visited many times now.

  When I saw this telegraph pole covered in the remnants of hundreds of posters, weathered and aged, it got sparked my creative curiosity .

  I do have a bit of a thing for ‘texture’ and this just made my heart sing. I was desperate to capture an image of it (yes…while everyone else was taking pictures of the sea and the beach, I was taking pictures of old telegraph poles)

But what a story those telegraph poles have to tell !  All the stories of all the announcements, flyers & promotions, I wondered about all that information passing through time in this one place.



  • What story does this image conjure for you ?
  • Why not write that story down so you don’t forget it ?



Week 3

No More Tears


A photo of wall/street art I took on my trip to Oaxaca, Mexico in 2018

‘No me llores’

I’ve heard it translated as ‘no more tears’ and also as ‘don’t cry’


The soul speaks in image

Carl Jung


When we see an image, we create stories in out mind about those images.  When we listen to stories, words (quotes), we take those words and create images in our minds eye.


Week 4


An Apple

Another photo from my Mekong trip in 2020



  • If a picture is worth a thousand words…why not write some of those words down in your Journal
  • Why?
  • Because your words have value purpose & meaning


Week 5

The cave

Another from my latest trip to Kefalonia earlier this year

I think caves can be quite evocative of thoughts, fantasies & emotions. They are a great metaphor too!


What lies inside



Here’s a sort video of the mini journal I made for July….



To make this mini journal I chose one of the  images  from the 5 I shared this month, photocopied it, double sided and as it happened the gods were smiling on me as it all lined up beautifully in the making (purely by accident I assure you !)


Are you a member of our Facebook Group   ?

In the group,  I share our weekly  quote and usually, to accompany it, I share some of my thoughts, ideas, suggestions.  Not all of those make it to here on the website. So, why not join the group to make sure you don’t miss anything



Why not leave a comment below


Join me next month when we’ll be back to our usual ‘written’ quotes for our new theme…

‘Becoming Us’






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