
Welcome to my Journal page

You can check out my latest journal entries below…

I’ll be sharing with you a mixture of content…

  • Images from my creative/visual journal
  • Short video content
  • Some written journal content
  • Invitations to join me in workshops
  • Opportunities to buy some of my creations

If you’re curious about why journaling is a great idea ….have a read of my journal entry Why keep a journal

Spoiler alert…

Because your life has significance… this alone is reason enough
your imaginings
your dreams
yours ideas
and your experiences,
your life, no matter who you are – has significance

You can also find my free E-book ‘Creative Journaling…more than words

Over on my Free Stuff page you’ll find a growing body of content offerings to support you on your own journaling journey, whatever form it takes, visual, written or a combination of forms.

Just One Word

An invitation to a short Journal Project     Have you ever thought of Journaling....yet, when you think about it maybe these thoughts flood into your head ...? I don't have time I've got nothing to say What's the point? How do I start? Yes ?

Why keep a Journal ?

Reason #1 Because your life has significance... this alone is reason enough your imaginings your dreams yours ideas and your experiences, your life, no matter who you are - has significance   This question as to WHY keep a journal not only has numerous valid...

Cup full of Memories

The final project from my recent 2 week Book Making ecourse with Rachel Hazell aka The Travelling Book Binder. An opportunity to connect with precious memories of holidays, sunshine & shared stories. Check out the short video below...  ...

A question of Connection

I felt I was struggling to feel a sense of purpose, to see the point, of making, of creating, while in the midst of a pandemic and so much trauma.  I had been quite 'good' at following the 'rules', social distancing, mask wearing, hand washing, no unnecessary...

2021 Journal Project Planning

  With the New Year fast approaching, I've been spending quite some time thinking about and trying to plan content for my next FREE Journal Project.  Spending time playing in my own Journal or Sketchbook is always a great way to allow the creative process to...

A Bit of Up-Cycling

  Love a bit of re-cycling ! There's something about the texture, the feel and the sound of paper that I love.  I use a lot of tissue paper in my journaling. What's you're favourite thing to use?    

Brown Paper Packages

One of my newest hobbies is sewing.  I've been slowly learning how to sew during 'Lockdown'. Recently I received some lovely fabric from one of my favourite suppliers Merchant and Mills, they're BIG on  sustainability and the environment.  However, when I started...

A Sketchbook Page

Hi, thanks for stopping by my web site. Please follow the READ MORE link below to WATCH MY FIRST VIDEO Its my intention to get lots of new content up here in the coming weeks which I hope you might find interesting.  I thought what better place to start than with a...

Why Creative Journaling ?

What do I mean when I talk about Creative Journaling ?  What IS it & Why Do it?     First of all....A bit of Context   When people ask me what I 'DO', I know that I usually take a mental moment and  a deep breath as I gauge how they might respond...