Journal Flip Through

Journal Flip Through

Someone recently made a comment to me which made me stop and think.   On viewing one of my videos, they said, ‘this is art’. I confess it brought me up short and I’ve been ruminating on it ever since.   It seems I’m not immune to...
New content for 2024

New content for 2024

I’m planning some changes for 2024 and I can’t make it work without you! You and your creative life are at the heart of what I’ll be sharing next year.     Here’s my vision for how I think it will work… I’m inviting people...
Diary of a ‘mature’ student: Chapter one

Diary of a ‘mature’ student: Chapter one

Welcome to the first instalment of my journaling journey as I navigate my way as a mature student at Derby University   You are never too old to set a new goal or to dream a new dream. C. S. Lewis     I decided I would have a go at journaling about my...
My First (and last ?) Poetry Slam

My First (and last ?) Poetry Slam

Last weekend, Friday 6th October 2023, to be precise, I took part in my first ever Poetry Slam (without really knowing what a poetry slam was!!) . Why did I do that ?  Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time. When I applied to take part,  I was riding high on...
Making a Mini Journal

Making a Mini Journal

This short video shows how I’ve been making my mini journals…   Will you be getting creative and making your own ? What size do you prefer ? Why not try with different types of paper or card Do you prefer coloured paper or plain ? Try tearing the...
A Journal page

A Journal page

A Journal page doesn’t have to be full of words.  It doesn’t have to have ANY words. A journal page can be anything you want it to be !     This particular journal page started out with some paint and then I added some layers of tissue and brown...